so guys, layan la story karut marut aku dolu2....

taKe A waLK oUTSide uR mIND, tELL ME hOw iT feEL 2 b..d’ oNE wHO tUrN A knIFe iNSide oF ME…tAKe a LOok n’ u wiLL FiNd…tHeRe’s nOthin’ tHeRe, I sWEAR~!? im tELLing U cOuSe THeRe’s a HOLE in my SOUL
November 6th, 2008 by r-a-t-n-a
urm ..lama jgk xtulis apa2…tetibe today rs nk tulis sumthing…y rs lonely sgt…ntahla..maybe dak2 dlm umah ni sume xde…only me alone…n mr FYR pulak..urm ;( lately cm dah fed up utk teruskan my relationship wif him..ntahla smp ble bule bertahan lg…
actually ngah layan korean cd but i dunno y my mind melayang2…normally every single word i bule igt..xbule miss….but then…urm cant describe how i felt rite now…
last 2 3 days ialways mimpi kn sumone ..n i confuse y i bule mimpi *** . dlm mimpi tu sumenya indah n sempurna…but y org itu? apa maksudnya? adakah petunjuk? or ………………………………………
xtau y i sebak …i really confuse…really really confuse….
Posted by HOLE in my SOUL at 12:25:00 PM 1 comments
June 18th, 2007 by r-a-t-n-a
busan nye tis week…mr FYR teambuilding..MISS him..uwaaa..teman2 hv their own agenda…siBLINGs xlepak kt umah…my mom+dad xajak hangout…nuthing FUN tis week cuma kijo jela…wakeup at 6 then gi kijo patuh 5pm go home… WARGGGGGHHHHH busan kan kawan2? ?! weekend duk umah jek…basuh baju…lipat baju…tgk tv… hah *&%$#@#@! 7july nih daftar kek UPM….S_T_U_D_Y brain ni beguna lg ke x still dunno….my mom+dad xkasi duk umah sewa kot kena ulang alik ke agaknye..??!! ntahla….4 yrs to go babes…. MIGRAIN akak…27 July nih FLY ke jakarta ngan dak2 mereng tuh… 3 dak nicegal (sue+atie+wa2)…hihihi nice ke?? xpaham tul la nape la dorg buh name tuh…CONFIUS tau~! ahaks$ n 1 dak niceboy (eday)..WAT?? belasah lar…hihi then me n mr fyr….jom kite ENJOY….!!!! hilangkan rasa2 curiga duka dan nestapa..mari kita menyanyi lagu sha NA na……*&^%$%#%*@^
Posted by HOLE in my SOUL at 12:24:00 PM 1 comments
May 7th, 2007 by r-a-t-n-a
lets share sumthing bout trip kat langkawi…play for JMS…happening seh..SMACK DOWN sume ada…[ wachaa ] arrived kat langkawi 8.30am , 27 Apr…duhh ~ muka B.U.S.O.K gile !!! 10.30pm betolak dr putrajaya smpi jeti kuala perlis 6am then naik feri till jeti kuah then naik bus again till LADA…tidooO…bangun….makan…tidooOo lagi…bangun…SAMPAI jak…
28 Apr start wif badminton..since im not involved kena lak jadi cheer leaders [ POM2 GAL gitu ] B-E-L-A-S-A-H !! wif all the spirit all out aku lontarkan my voice…vocal kasi ‘GEGAR…..’ 1 dewan ?! between sume team yg ade kt sana ..OURS paling SEMANGAT + KECOH…biaseee lewww…ade pompuan GEDIK$ ni…yaYAyaYA
hukk..ptg pulak start game netball…panas terik YA AMPUN !! habis sebotol sun block sapu kt badan but NO use jak..apo nak buek, klu dah dasar I.R.E.N.G tu ireng jgkla…[ kamus JAWA ‘ireng = itam ] W.O.R.L.D ~ahaks
well…in our group, team kami JOHAN kump…so, kena la fight against SARAWAK busuk punya org ] start lar smack down between US..haha sarawak’ians relax je yg OVER other team nih maybe takot nk fight ngn kami kat FINAL kot ::cet::
at last, we all mengalah je dpt 3rd place..wif NO satisfaction + frustrated ngn technical team yang in charge tournament ni. B.E.N.G.O.N.G fight for tis game cm bule win USD 10,000 jek..huh
sume game team kami dpt 3rd place except bowling 1st place n karem 2nd…overall kami dpt 3rd place at last…ump for me..i really2 having FUN over there…next yr maybe kt KUCHING pulak…will c then
Posted by HOLE in my SOUL at 12:24:00 PM 1 comments
March 18th, 2007 by r-a-t-n-a
I have NO trust to anybody. duhh…felt cam hampeh je lately… my HEART was broken, terluka kerna dilukai… ~wah gitu .. urm dun u think it is hard to mke our relationship PERFECT…?! instead of goin fine + smooth y its getting more worse + complicated day by day.. ??
ump, y pepul who named L.E.L.A.K.I cant b loyal, jujur, amanah, fatonah [ #$%$^&*# ] pd sorg pumpuan jak?? Or else mmg betul agaknya….. ‘NALURI LELAKI’ ….
Renung2 kan dan selamat ber…..amal ke?? [ muahahaa ]
Aku adalah Lelaki
Yang tak pernah lelah
Mencari wanita
Aku adalah Lelaki
Yang selalu gundah
Menunggu wanitaku
Aku adalah lelaki
Yang selalu ingin
Dibuai wanitaku
Tolong dekati aku
Tolong hampiri aku
Tolong jamahi aku
Agar aku bijaksana
Agar aku bahagia
Agar aku merasakan cinta
Naluriku sebagai lelaki
Membuatku menginginkanBerjuta wanita di sisiku
Naluriku sebagai lelaki
Membuatku merindukan
Pujaan dari wanita
Posted by HOLE in my SOUL at 12:24:00 PM 1 comments
January 29th, 2007 by r-a-t-n-a
1.Do you still talk to the first person you kissed?
:: OFCOZ!! [ my PAMA ]
2. Have you ever seen your best friend naked?
:: hopefully I can but NOT YET…huhu
3. Do you like more than one person right now?
:: YA!! I like so many pepul I guess…
4. Are you against same sex marriage?
:: KUBUR masing2 [ HARAM hukumnya ]
5. Where are you going on your next vacation?
:: Malacca !!! [ cant wait ]
6. Who are you going with?
:: sumone who I LOVE deep in my heart… [ miaw ]
7. If you could have one super power what would it be?
:: do u mean "coffee super power" ?? ~ahaks
8. What is your favorite sound?
:: sound system !!! [ hiks ]
9. Favorite movie of all time?
:: malay? Chinese? Hollywood? Bollywood? [ dunno ]
10. Have you ever gone to therapy?
:: NO so far
11. Have you ever Played Spin the bottle?
:: NOT bottle but PEN
12. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?
:: can I say YA i HAVE?
13. Have you ever had a crush on your brother/ sister’s friend?
:: NEVA!!!
14. Have you ever gone to a beach?
:: wat a Q !! YES I’ve
15. Have you ever been to a strip club?
:: not yet [ haha ]
16. Have you ever had a stalker?
: : uh…YA !! [ wohoho ]
17. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
:: Nope.
18.Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
:: YEP
19. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
20. Have you ever lied to your parents?
:: ya ! TIPU SUNAT jak
21. What do you miss right now?
:: Mr FYR
22. Ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in one day?
:: depends
23. Last song you listened to?
:: warisan wanita terakhir [ teachers pet ]
24. Who was the last person who called you?
:: my BRO
25. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?
:: HEAVEN !!!
Posted by HOLE in my SOUL at 12:23:00 PM 1 comments
January 4th, 2007 by r-a-t-n-a
azam baru , semangat baru but then MAYBE perangai lama … kuang 3x urm xyah ler.. tiap taun mmg cm gini !! semangat je lebey tp HAMPES gak ~adehh stay childish cm dolu2 jak … bdk hingus umo dh masuk 23 bile lar nk matured ek..lama x melayari BLOG’s ni.. bz skit bln lps…WAT?? ratna bz?? [ finally ] lots of work xtipu…baru BEST!! 2le xde time nk jot down sumthing here… A_L_A_S_A_N
celebrate new yr ngn family kt air panas selayang tis year…hihi actually bkn nk celebrate pun.. sj mmg plan nk kua..selalu cm gini lar klu x duk umah ngn family je le..FRIENDS?? don’t u ever2 dare 2 ajak ..MEMBAZIR jak!! Beside new yr at 2nd of JAN masuk ler 2yrs kami GELI2 gitu [ me + mr fyr ].. as usual gi sumwhere la kot mybe tis yr gi MELAKA… ngeem ! jom kite ENJOY !!!!
duhh dh almost 1yr xcut my hair, but yesterday I cut it OFF.. [ yeah ] ringan ! enak BANGAT !! masuk taun baru konon… azam baru konon… lots of thing nk ubah so,
10 things RATNA need to CHANGE !!
1. KENA solat awal wak2
2. KENA bangkit tdo awal, xmo liat2
3. KENA matured xmo cm HINGUS
4. KENA dtg keje awal
5. KENA dgr ckp PAMA
6. KENA belajar pepandai [ scorer ]
7. KENA pandai masak
8. KENA buang 3C inside me [ careless + clumsy + cemburu ] BUT maintain wif 1C [ comel ]
9. KENA kurus hi hi hi
Last MAJOR thing need to change [ my fwen noe abt it ]
10. KENA jd PUNCTUAL everytime ofcoz [ ho ho ho ]
ENDPosted by HOLE in my SOUL at 12:22:00 PM 2 comments
December 3rd, 2006 by r-a-t-n-a
[[kERepeK mERePEK]]
huhuhuHOHOHOhuhuhu when its started, I cant stop my mind 2 think abt it…wats going 2 happen in my future…my CAREER??? MARRIAGE??? FACE??? [alamak]
CAREER? hurm hard 2 mke tis topic interesting otherwise will turn me OFF jak !! better STOP think abt it…[Y_U_C_K_S] but b4 tat isn’t sweet IF I can mke my dream come true…2b a LECTURER sumday o ya mybe ACCOUNTANT sumday.. $$$ hikS sounds like cool BUT then aiyoO S.T.O.P !!! cant go futher…
how bout MARRIAGE?? FUN to talk abt it… [miaww] G_A_T_A_L ..urm m I goin 2b sumone wife in future?? wink…wink…SO SWEET [hoot] having my own baby .. hi hi hi cant wait till d time comes 2me… YA YA YA CUTE pregnant lady..carry everyway her ‘BIG’ stomach.. looking d way they dress up…[ m I too much now?] naa.. dont bother.. Got sum1 who care bout u most = ur husband ofcoz + sumone massage u for F.O.C + can get everything u need/wish (hopefully) + react like a baby…NGEGADE gitu! MANJE!! waaaa such a LOVELY n BEAUTIFUL life isn’t…but tat is ONLY IF.. when its come 2 deliver ur baby… wat will u feel? wawawa Proud.. [for sure] till cant hold ur tears anymore.. YA!! U noe wat?? mY fwen, she delivered her 1st baby last month..felt touching a bit cz I was looking at her when she hold her baby tat time.. CUTE bangat!!! [adehh] suddenly came 2 my mind ‘when is it my turn 2 hold my own baby like tat?’ will I do tat?? Will i?? = who wanna marry me..?? [hahahaha]
FACE? naaah.. im not afraid 2b OLD..[S_I_M_P_L_E] keep thinking tat u r born 2b young 4eva… hOhOhooo
“merry christmas everybody”
STOP merepek
Posted by HOLE in my SOUL at 12:22:00 PM 1 comments
November 28th, 2006 by r-a-t-n-a
filled wif d things u LOVE most
4 months since AUG im workin at *** Putrajaya…damn!!!~ so boring..cant describe how I feel abt it neway..duhhh….wat a bored workin environment…im wondering whether this is d rite choice?? Or?? Urm cant think abt it rite now…o gOsh!! nuthing!! I learn nuthing here…my workin life is empty .. [seriously] everybody was bz wif his/her work but came 2me its nuthing…jz surfing internet,lepaking,walk around ‘anyam ketupat’ n ~ im not kidding [ofcoz]
4months I’ve been here but I learned nuthing..i noe nuthing abt gov accounts..d way its work…process…noe nuthin..its been too long I dun hv a job/work 2do..damn bored man!!! cant ‘tahan’ anymore…
I applied SPA already but hopefully this time I make a gud/rite choice doe…hopefully…cant stick like this foreva!! till ‘pencen’,retire?? Duhh…o mybe I can do tis..jump out from this life…~yayayaya F_R_E_E_D_O_M
B4 tis im stressful bcz I’d many work 2do…everything I do by myself….my accountant job everything from bottom 2 top..from top 2 bottom…everything I handled by myself.. Sumtimes I cried alone in toilet [shhhh…] cz tired, hv no, NO, NO, no time 2 rest…!!!urm but now everything changed..i miss all tat..i miss everything tat I’ve done b4..i miss a lot wif my work…when I was stress…headache…cried…bz..i miss tat… [not kiddin]
adehh dont want 2 talk abt it anymore..YA!! dont turn back babes..jz look foward..m I regret for wateva im doin rite now or it jz a beginning of my career life…just b patient n wait…oh GOD !!plss PLS plss…its been too long I stick like this… [ S.T.O.P ]
Posted by HOLE in my SOUL at 12:21:00 PM 1 comments
tumpang lalu..tumpang lalu.....tumpang lalu....tumpang lalu..
salam kenal dr tetibe joint blog nih..influence dr memembe...npk cm besh tp bile nk post sumthing cm gagap
nape HOLE in my SOUL ...???
um...[jiwa ini kosong?] uik?? sound like blog yg akan post cite2 leleh...BUT sebenarnya nk uat blog ni cm astro.MCM2 ADA..!!! hah~ dah tu nape buh HOLE in my SOUL?? cam xkena..
actually aku just nk cont blog fs aku...later on aku upload yg lelama tuh....
nape ms.EMO...???
sure anda tertanya2...emosi sgt ke? ber emosi ke?? penuh emosi ke??? YES i'm !!! mmg aku emosi....emosi xten2 pasal....xtau sebab ape...hormon ok..."bulanan" ok.... ntahla...
hah~nape cm pelik je nk type cm xlancar nk cakap...bese aku ni kepoci gak...suddently, bile nk type cm xkena..otak tesumbat,idea terhad, mulot tutup rapat n tgn..... type tesekat2 !!!!
so b4 sume jam...better S.T.O.P !!!
pesanan.short ~ sbb aku baru, senior2 amek galah tolong jolokkan erk??? [ jgn jolok lain dah...upsst O.F.F]
Posted by HOLE in my SOUL at 11:27:00 AM 1 comments